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大数跨境 导读:9月4日至6日,“近年来举办的规模最大、外国领导人出席最多的主场外交”2024年中非合作论坛峰会在北京盛大举行,中非友好大家庭再聚首,中非关系再跨越。


From 4 to 6 Sept, the 2024 Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC), which is the largest and most attended by foreign leaders in recent years, was held in Beijing, bringing the friendly family of China and Africa together again, and "leapfrogging" China-Africa relations.CHOICE as the first Chinese logistics enterprise in Africa. Since the establishment of the company in 1997, after years of exploring the road in Africa, CHOICE has built an important bridge between China and Africa for economic and trade exchanges through efficient logistics, and given CHOICE power for the road of win-win co-operation and development between China and Africa.

“非”同以往 非洲跨越发展

Africa's leapfrogging development


In the last decade or so, the African continent has witnessed a different kind of leapfrog development.Look at the industrial parks in Ethiopia, the development of urban management and labour-intensive manufacturing in Kigali, Rwanda, and the emergence of modern railways and roads, modern ports and so on.It has undoubtedly begun to change the traditional stereotypes of Africa as a place of war and hunger.Africa is on the road to leapfrogging development, driven by win-win cooperation and endogenous dynamics, with strong African characteristics.


Africa's total GDP for the entire continent from independence in the 1960s to around 2000 was $500 billion to $600 billion.But from the beginning of 2000 to 2010, Africa's total GDP increased from $600bn to between $1,500bn and $20,000bn.This decade, during which six of the world's 10 fastest-growing countries came from Africa, has come to be known as the "Golden Decade".


2024FOCAC 10 partnership actions is the zero-tariff treatment of 100 per cent of the tariff lines of the products of all least developed countries (LDCs), including 33 African countries, that have diplomatic relations with China.Through further liberalisation of commodity tariff exemption initiatives, the scale of Africa's commodity exports will expand significantly, especially in key areas such as agriculture and textiles. This will boost Africa's economic development and contribute to its further integration into the global economy.


In addition, the Forum focused on the theme of "Joining Hands to Advance Modernisation and Build a High-Level China-Africa Community with a Shared Future", with the aim of promoting modernisation as an inevitable trend in Chinese-African cooperation and in the development of African countries.30 infrastructure connectivity projects,joint statement on deepening cooperation within the framework of the Global Development Initiative with Africa,establish with Africa a hospital alliance and joint medical centers,establish a China-Africa agricultural science and technology innovation alliance,launch 30 clean energy projects in Africa,implementing the Global Security Initiative (GSI)......


In the future, the process of connectivity between Africa and China is accelerating, and the space for intra-African development is expanding. With Africa's embrace of new technologies and ideas, trade facilitation, coupled with a demographic dividend and abundant resources, the continent's enormous potential will eventually be unleashed.

物流联通 中非友谊之路

Logistics connects China-Africa friendship


In the last decade or so, the African continent has witnessed a different kind of leapfrog development.Look at the industrial parks in Ethiopia, the development of urban management and labour-intensive manufacturing in Kigali, Rwanda, and the emergence of modern railways and roads, modern ports and so on.It has undoubtedly begun to change the traditional stereotypes of Africa as a place of war and hunger.Africa is on the road to leapfrogging development, driven by win-win cooperation and endogenous dynamics, with strong African characteristics.


At present, CHOICE's dedicated Africa warehouse-to-warehouse logistics service touchesNigeria, Kenya, Uganda, Ghana, Côte d'Ivoire, Cameroon, Senegal, South Africa, Rwanda, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Tanzania, Burkina Faso 10+ site countries, with services including warehouse management + air/sea freight + import/export customs clearance + destination warehouse pick-up. Whether it is MCO single piece cargo, large consolidated cargo, cross-border e-commerce cargo, or irregular project cargo, we meet the demand of China-Africa trade with competitive price.


Logistics service is an important link connecting business and trade between China and Africa. As an important participant in China-Africa economic and trade exchanges, CHOICE provides a solid guarantee for trade exchanges between Chinese and African enterprises by virtue of its excellent service quality and extensive network layout.By continuously optimising the logistics process, CHOICE has helped Chinese and African enterprises to reduce logistics costs and improve trade efficiency, and is committed to promoting the prosperous development of China-Africa economic and trade cooperation.


The deepening of China-Africa economic and trade cooperation cannot be achieved without reliable logistics support.Against the background of the deepening economic and trade co-operation between China and Africa, CHOICE will continue to give full play to its own advantages and promote the development of economic and trade exchanges between China and Africa to a higher and deeper level, so as to achieve mutual benefits and win-win situation for enterprises in both places.


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主营中东/非洲空运、海运、海外仓业务,是亚马逊SPN认证服务商及JUMIA JSP官方认证合作伙伴。 V:choice199725
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赛时电商物流 主营中东/非洲空运、海运、海外仓业务,是亚马逊SPN认证服务商及JUMIA JSP官方认证合作伙伴。 V:choice199725




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