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大数跨境 导读:本期给大家整理了外贸英语邮件必备的句型

















① Thank you for your prompt response.

②lappreciate your assistance in this matter.

③ Thanks a lot for your support.

④i'm grateful for your valuable input.

⑤ Thank you in advance for your cooperation.


① Please find attached the requested document.

② Here is the information you requested.

③l am attaching the latest version of the report.

④ The details are outlined in the attached file.

⑤ Enclosed you will find the necessary forms.


① Could you please provide more details on this issue?

②l would like to request additional information about..

③ Can you clarify the timeline for this project?

④lam seeking further clarification regarding...

⑤ Could you elaborate on the specific requirements?


①l confirm receipt of your email.

② This is to acknowledge that l have received the document.

③ Thank you for letting me know, l have received it.

④l confirm the successful delivery of the package.

⑤lacknowledge receipt of the information you provided.


①Due to unforeseen circumstances, we need to request an extension.

②l regret to inform you that we require more time tocomplete the project.

③ Can we discuss the possibility of extending the deadline?

④ Due to unexpected events, we would like to request apostponement.

⑤lapologize for the inconvenience, and we are seeking anextension.


①l propose we schedule a meeting next week.

② Let's set up a meeting to discuss this further

③ Can we arrange a conference call on Friday?

④lwould like to organize a face-to-face meeting at yourearliest convenience.

⑤ Could we find a suitable time to meet and go over the details?


① Please review the attached document.

②I have attached the necessary files for your reference.

③ Kindly find the attached presentation slides.

④ The report is enclosed in the attachment.

⑤lam sending you the requested information in the attached file.


①lapologize for any inconvenience this may have caused

② l am sorry for the oversight on our part.

③ Please accept our sincere apologies for the delay.

④ We regret any confusion that may have arisen.

⑤lapologize for the misunderstanding and any inconvenienceit may have caused.


① Can you confirm the time and location for the meeting?

② Please verify the accuracy of the information provided.

③ Could you double-check the dates in the schedule?

④l want to confirm our understanding of the terms

⑤ Can you ensure that all the details are correct?


Wishing you a successful project implementation.

②) Have a wonderful holiday season!

③ May the coming year bring you great success.

④ Best wishes for your continued prosperity.

⑤ Wishing you joy and fulfillment in your endeavors.


① To summarize our recent discussion, here are the key points.

②In conclusion, we agreed on the following action items.

③ Recapping our meeting, l want to highlight the maintakeaways.

④ In brief, our conversation led to the decision to proceedwith...

⑤ Summing up our discussion, it was decided that we would..12.


①lam pleased to accept your invitation to the upcoming event.

② Thank you for inviting me; l would be delighted to attend.

③lappreciate the invitation and look forward to participating

④lgladly accept your kind invitation to join the conference.

⑤ lt would be an honor to attend the event you mentioned,


① Just a reminder that the deadline for the project isapproaching.

②l wanted to remind you that the submission deadline is nextweek.

③ Please be aware that the due date for the report is fastapproaching.

④ As a friendly reminder, the deadline for completion is on[date].

⑤l wanted to remind everyone that the cutoff date is [date]


①l would like to suggest a few improvements to the currentprocess.

②Can we consider the possibility of implementing thefollowing suggestions?

③ My recommendation is to explore alternative solutions for

better results.

④l propose that we take a different approach to address thisissue.

⑤l suggest we reconsider our strategy to achieve betteroutcomes.


① Thank you for your patience while we addressed this matter. 

②lappreciate your understanding and patience during thisprocess. 

③l want to express my gratitude for your patiencethroughout the delay.

④ Thanks for your patience as we worked to resolve the issue

⑤ Your patience during this challenging period is greatlyappreciated.


① Friendly reminder to complete the assigned tasks by theend of the day.

② Don't forget to submit your reports by the specifieddeadline.

③ Just a heads up that the team needs everyone to finalizetheir contributions.

④ As a reminder, please ensure all action items are completedby [date].

⑤lwanted to remind you of the upcoming deadline for taskcompletion.


①lam writing to express my concern regarding the recentdevelopments.

② lt has come to my attention, and l am genuinely concernedabout...

③ Expressing my deep concern, l believe we need to addressthis issue urgently.

④lam troubled by the current situation and would like todiscuss it further.

⑤l wanted to bring to your attention my apprehensionabout...


① Can we confirm the details of the project plan beforemoving forward?

②l would like to ensure that everyone is on the same pageregarding the plan.

③ Confirming the project timeline, l want to make sure we arealigned.

④ Before we proceed, let's confirm the steps outlined in theproject plan.

⑤ Can you verify that the proposed plan meets our objectives?19.


①l value your opinion and would appreciate your feedback onthis matter.

② Your input is important to us; please share your thoughts onthe proposed changes.

③ We are seeking feedback from all team members on thenew proposal.

④ Can you provide feedback on the draft document l sentearlier?

⑤ Your feedback will be instrumental in shaping the directionof our project.


① Thank you once again for your cooperation andunderstanding.

② lf you have any further questions, feel free to reach out.

③l look forward to your prompt response to finalize thedetails.

④Your attention to this matter is highly appreciated.

⑤Should you require any additional information, please letme know.

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艾贸专注于为企业和个人提供全面的外贸知识和技能培训,旨在提升他们在国际贸易领域中的竞争力。 艾贸让外贸人少走W路
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艾贸外贸学堂 艾贸(深圳)文化传播有限公司 艾贸专注于为企业和个人提供全面的外贸知识和技能培训,旨在提升他们在国际贸易领域中的竞争力。 艾贸让外贸人少走W路